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Strategy & Sustainability

Best Practices in Racial Justice Allyship

Many white organizers feel awkward or uncertain about how to show up to support Black and brown communities under attack. And yet we all must show up. Even though it’s so much easier to stay quiet, well-intentioned silence is one of the many reasons our country has not moved forward.

Hosting Virtual Events

The most important thing during the coronavirus outbreak is staying safe and healthy. Even though we can’t gather in large groups in person, our work to hold our elected officials accountable, build a more inclusive democracy, and be in community with our fellow activists is more important than ever.

What Does “Capacity-Building” Mean, Anyway?

Many nonprofits and progressive organizations use the term “capacity building” as a catch-all phrase to encompass all the ways an organization might increase its impact or political power over time. This resource outlines the capacity-building activities that are likely to fulfill the capacity-building requirement of the Indivisible GROW! Grant. 

Community Building during the Coronavirus

With the importance of social distancing and limiting mass gatherings, Indivisible leaders need to cancel in-person meetings and large-scale events to protect members from exposure to the coronavirus and stop the spread across their communities.

Indivisible States: Conclusion

States are critical to restoring our democratic institutions. Our new guide, Indivisible in the States, outlines strategies and tactics for how states can both resist Trump and pass bold, progressive policies.

Indivisible States: Introduction

Our new guide, Indivisible in the States, outlines strategies and tactics for how states can both resist Trump and pass bold, progressive policies.