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Advocacy Resource

Best Practices in Racial Justice Allyship

Many white organizers feel awkward or uncertain about how to show up to support Black and brown communities under attack. And yet we all must show up. Even though it’s so much easier to stay quiet, well-intentioned silence is one of the many reasons our country has not moved forward.

Recruiting for Your Indivisible Group

Indivisibles know that recruitment is a key component of building local power, but it is not always easy to meet and identify new potential activists or reactivate your existing list. It’s hard, intentional work (like anything that matters).

Hosting Virtual Events

The most important thing during the coronavirus outbreak is staying safe and healthy. Even though we can’t gather in large groups in person, our work to hold our elected officials accountable, build a more inclusive democracy, and be in community with our fellow activists is more important than ever.

Endorsements Guide: Why Candidates Care About Your Indivisible Group

Whether the candidate is a seasoned campaign professional running for her second term as Governor or a first-timer looking at challenging the incumbent in a local school board race, every campaign relies on the same basic tools and building blocks for success. This chapter explains what your local candidate’s campaign HQ is thinking, and how your Indivisible group factors into their thinking.

Standing Indivisible Against White Supremacy

This resource includes initial things to do in your groups and your community to identify and fight white supremacy, but is just a start. At the end of this resource you will find a suggested reading list and materials to continue building your knowledge and skills.